Wednesday, February 12th 2025

Who will be the Antichrist? - by Metropolitan Agafangel (25th January 2025)
The Antichrist will be accepted first by those who are waiting for him - under one form or another and for one reason or another. There are many such people who are waiting, but they all wait differently...
The question is where, in what ...

The conception of the Absolute is the extreme limit of objectivizing of abstract thought.
In the Absolute there are no signs whatever of existence, no signs of life. The Absolute belongs not so much to religious revelation as to religious philosophy and theology. It is a product of thought.
The abstract ...

It seems like, even when life is going well, we cannot experience it at the best and highest level "on demand".
We sometimes experience the "romance" of this-life, a magical moment, or even magical hours and days; but this state does not become continuous - nor can we have this magic whenever we want it, nor even ...
Tuesday, February 11th 2025

real christianity has never been tried, cause no one wants to be the judge
the 'humor in the gospels' versus 'no humor in the gospels' divide is itself very humorous. or is it
ecclesiastes is the question, songs is the answer
it's all a show, but don't tell
her name was christie, christie anity, and no man ...

Has the world become better or worse since the time of Jesus? The question is worth raising because people have believed and said both.
Some people assume that Jesus made the world better, and that things were improved by the life, death, resurrection of Jesus.
They assume especially that Christian societies are ...
Monday, February 10th 2025

Are people truly aware of the vast and ever-widening chasm between the financial economy and the real economy?
On the one side, we have veritable tidal waves of “money” sloshing all about the world driving markets to or close to all-time highs and inflating asset bubbles of every flavor and variety.
On ...

I know someone who lives in a state of chaos with nothing put away or even thrown away, and stuff scattered everywhere. She claims this is the sign of a creative person. I know someone else who is obsessive about order and must have everything in its proper place. It causes him actual discomfort to experience mess ...

a review of School of Breaking, by independent author Alesya Grigorovitch.
The beginning of the book is quite whimsical and light hearted. Emile’s nostalgia for the small town she grew up in, and the contrast with the big city, first, and the strange school, second, was very well described ...

By Alan Lee
Over at The Notion Club Papers blog, I discuss the September 1914 draft of JRR Tolkien's Earendil poem; which I regard as his first successful poem, and which also (and by no coincidence) is concerned with his powerful and astonishingly creative response to the Anglo-Saxon word ...

The Voyage of Éarendel the Evening Star First version - dated 24 September 1914 JRR Tolkien was 22 years old.
Éarendel sprang up from the Ocean's cupIn the gloom of the mid-world's rim; From the door of Night as a ray of light Leapt over the twilight brim, And launching his bark like a silver spark From the ...

Gustave Moreau, La fille de Jared dansant devant Akish (1876)
1. The dancing daughter of Jared
Here's a tale of Jaredite devilry from the Book of Ether. See if it reminds you of anything:And it came to pass that he begat Omer, and Omer reigned in his stead. And Omer begat Jared; and Jared begat ...
Sunday, February 9th 2025

Regular readers may recall how I got three chicks in one day in August last year. Sadly, one of those chicks perished within days, but the other two have grown into strapping young roosters. Yes, roosters.
I now have to deal with three cocks instead of one.
Richie Ricardo, the original patriarch of the run, ...

My new collection of aphorisms, Small Talk, is now available. Ebook versions can be downloaded for free here. If you prefer a physical copy, you can go here and Lulu Press will make one just for you.
This is a work of nonsense, meant to be used only for divination. Any resemblance to actual ...

I think most Christians, but perhaps especially Protestants, have experienced doubts about the role of The Bible in their faith.
On the one hand, it seems to be the core evidence concerning Jesus Christ's life, work and his teachings. On the other hand; it also seems intrinsically unsatisfactory for so much to hinge ...

Rambling sync-posts are back!
I woke up Saturday morning with the name Dinderblob in my head for no apparent reason, perhaps the echo of a forgotten dream. I recognized it as the name of one of the gods imprisoned inside a mountain in The Tinleys and, seeing no relevance to anything, filed it away.
In the morning, I ...

As I suggested a month ago* - I feel sure that pseudo-radicalism of the new US Presidential administration is merely a move in a within-Establishment civil war. The "anti-woke Right" commentators who are deliriously cheerleading the new government, and apparently investing their expectations and hopes in its success; ...
Saturday, February 8th 2025

I have often commented on the absolute need and demand for optimism that is characteristic of our Western civilization.
So much so; that many Western Christians have come to identify here-and-now, this-worldly, optimism with the virtue of Hope - which ought to come from faith and trust in God and the salvation of ...
Friday, February 7th 2025

A good deal of human discourse is - and maybe always has been - ranged around arguments over which group of people are most at fault for the state of things?
That group-at-fault may be very large - one of the sexes, for instance; or may be variously small - a particular religion, empire, nation, ethnicity, or social ...
Thursday, February 6th 2025

traditionalism is a desire for past novelty
loved ones and zeroes
if i could go back in time and talk to my eighteen year old self i would tell him to go forward in time and ask what my current self would say to him; or i would tell him to go back in time and ask what our eight year old self would say about going ...

The idea that humans have a tendency to see patterns where there is (supposedly) only randomness - like seeing faces appearing briefly in a fire - is used to argue that therefore we ought to discount as self-deluding, the meaningfulness of the world around us.
This is one of those ridiculously ...
Wednesday, February 5th 2025

I haven't found much time to dedicate to blogging lately. In light of this, I'm going to take a short break to reorganize my priorities. I should be back in a few days' time.
Tuesday, February 4th 2025

I saw this today on Anglin's weekly meme dump.
How does this not end with Dan saying, "I think you mean so much fun"?
Later in the day, I for some reason thought of the famous author Chilled the Fresh and his two collaborators (all of whom have since been canceled by Amazon), and I looked up ...

make myself small to fit into my terrariums
let thine eye be single to what cannot be divided
the tao hides in the yang
and shines in the yin
therefore the sage
sees in plain hiding
satya yugas within kali yugas, golden ages inside rusty cages
there is no external limit to what a man can achieve. this is ...

If the direction of God's creation is towards greater consciousness, hence greater freedom, of Beings; then the direction of history is one of individual Men and Mankind's response to greater consciousness.
In effect, Mankind has greater consciousness and freedom thrust upon him by the direction of divine creation; ...
Monday, February 3rd 2025

I've just concluded an experiment with what I guess is the ultimate form of "passive smoking" -- using nicotine only in my sleep. I'd put on a transdermal patch immediately before going to bed and remove it when I woke up, even if I woke up in the middle of the night. I did this a total of 21 times -- the first seven ...

Because so-called AI (Artificial Intelligence) is a top-down-imposed, totalitarian Establishment imposed, lying fake; it is always a product of some or another "man behind the curtain" (or institution behind the curtain) - someone who is trying to distract attention from himself and deny responsibility for whatever AI ...

I've said it all before, in different words; but it really was and is an epic tragedy to comprehend how Christianity has been so profoundly misrepresented throughout most of recorded history - with consequences that may be worse than if Jesus as a person had been forgotten, and Men had had to reply upon direct contact ...
Sunday, February 2nd 2025

In the spiritual war of this world, motivation is all that matters
It applies to all times and places and nations - including here, and now.
This principle obliterates the value of all politics and mainstream public discourse; because this is all done with bad motivations*.
Differences between the political ...